Wednesday, July 20, 2016


There are …. 10 Colors:

Brown (structural - there are vertical and horizontal) these are not too hard to bend or manipulate, they are easy to grasp, dry and textured, they have and are used in physical presence spells. Examples: the rope trick, shield, wall, supports

Blue (air - there are vertical and horizontal) these are wispy and thin a little difficult to grasp more of a finger hold, they are dry and cool, they are used to affect the physical world. Examples: breathing, clouds, weather, flight, wind

Purple (water - there are vertical and horizontal) these are thicker but not easy to grasp, fingers and cupping holds are the best, they are wet, cold, and very soft, they must be involved in all spells involving water and effect the physical world. Examples: walking or parting water, swimming rain

Yellow (mind or spirit - there are only horizontal) these are wispy aura like strands that surround live entities but are not attached, they are dry, fluffy very thin and are not easily held onto, control is usually projected from the used rather than grasped they influence living things. Examples: telepathy, mental blocks, visions

Red (projectiles -there are vertical and horizontal) these are wiry, strong and hot strands, they can be seen and grasped easily and moved however they are very stubborn and it takes strength, they are tied to or wrapped around objects to be affected. By themselves they exert a force which affects the physical world. Examples: shaping, missiles, projectiles


Orange (fire and transformation - there are only vertical[LB1] ) these are sharp, hot thin strands that can cut the user if they are not careful they must be handled with exacting precision, usually by finger nail, or they snap back. These strands are so brittle they can be broken or cracked, sometimes with unexpected results. Difficult to see as well dry but tinsel-like. Examples: creation, ignition, manipulation


Green (time - there are only vertical) these are the second most difficult to see only next to the clear strands, they are fluid and slippery and are handled with nudges, sometime puffs and waves, more herded than moved. Totally involved in the earthreal planes and not the physical. They are difficult to affect and have a strong urge to return to their own position or flow. Examples: slow time, speed time, stop or freeze time


Black (indicators of evil or dark presence - these are always wispy and attached) these are thin, very hard to see, very strong wispy and always attached to some living thing, every living thing. Resembling cool spider webs they are strong enough to withstand any manipulation. Depending on the manipulation these strands affect a life-force’s emotions, attitude, beliefs, viewpoints…. The faster a user stroke or pulls on a black strand the more anger grows to hate. The slower or more soothing a user strokes the strand the more the anger dissipates. Attaching one entities strand to another’s will share the evil, diseases, attitudes, philosophies etc…  Examples: jealousy, anger, hate, disease


White (indicators of good or positive life force - these are always wispy and attached) these strands are also very difficult to see again like warm spider webs, they are more fragile than black strands and can break causing long term trances, hibernation and comas. These can be attached to other life forces to share in good qualities, health, energy, love…. Examples: joy, sleep, love, pain relief, healing


Clear (spirit and force of will - these strands are everywhere and in every imaginable direction) almost impossible to see they are best described as shadow edges, very delicate, slippery, wet, electric. They have no pattern, and are very powerful tools. A user can make an inanimate object move, project understanding to animals, cross over time and space barrier even look into or visit other planes.  Examples: project ghosts, animate, talk to the dead or animals, bring inanimate to life


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